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    Intermittent Fasting: Breaking Down the Methods

    What Is Intermittent Fasting?

    Many diet trends detail everything you can and can’t eat in order to lose the weight. Intermittent fasting is different. This trend doesn’t specify which foods you should eat, but instead what times you should eat. Though it’s often referred to as a diet, intermittent fasting is more of an eating pattern which people adopt to try losing weight.

    Intermittent fasting

    Intermittent Fasting Methods

    There’s more than one method of intermittent fasting. Common versions include daily 16-hour fasts or fasting for a full day (24 hours) twice per week. Fasting isn’t a new practice but it’s becoming increasingly popular among people looking to shed a few pounds.

    The 16/8 Method

    This form of fasting involves limiting the time of day in which you eat. Typically, people skip breakfast and restrict their daily eating period to eight hours. Ex: 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Any other time of day, you are fasting. Typically, you can drink water (but only water) during your fasting period. This is the most popular method.


    With this pattern, people fast for 24 hours (from one day’s dinner to the next) once or twice a week.

    5:2 Diet

    Others choose to limit their calorie intake to between 500 and 600 calories on two non-consecutive days of the week but eat normally during the other five days.

    Behind each of these methods is the idea that reducing the number of meals you eat reduces your overall calorie intake, therefore helping you lose weight. If you’re considering intermittent fasting, it’s best to consult a doctor or other care provider to make sure it’s a plan that won’t harm your health.

    No matter what eating pattern you’ve adopted, it’s important to make sure you’re getting all the necessary vitamins and nutrients your body needs to function! Click here for BIOVEA’s selection of multivitamins!

    Have you tried intermittent fasting? How did it go for you? Share your experience (if you’re comfortable doing so) in the comments!

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    Comments For 'Intermittent Fasting: Breaking Down the Methods'

    1. fabiaalessadra@gmail.com says:

      Tem site seguro para comprar os produtos da BIOVEA , qto tempo demora para chegar.
      Obrigada fico aguardando

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    2. Renato says:

      Faço há muito tempo, e me sinto muito bem. Faço pela manhã, pois é quando me sinto com muita energia. Corro e treino musculação em jejum e me sinto ótimo de pois de correr e treinar. Ainda peco na hora que vou comer, pois treino pesado e isso me faz comer mais. Tomo o multivitamínico para homens, saw palmetto, pygeum, zinco, prostaze e mais alguns outros, todos da BIOVEA. ESTOU ÓTIMO!!!!!

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