Health and Wellness Blog

Better Posture In 3 Easy Steps

Bad posture can cause aches and pains throughout your entire body. Having bad posture can also damage your appearance, lower your work performance, and lessen your good mood. Here are three steps to having better posture that will make you feel great!

Sitting-Up Straight Promotes Confidence

Standing straight and maintaining a good posture when you are seated shows that you are comfortable with your surroundings, which is a sign of confidence. In contrast, someone who slouches is more likely to convey discomfort with his/her environment.

Walk Around to Boost Productivity

Opting for a standing desk, or simply getting up for at least five minutes every hour during your workday, can significantly boost your productivity. Standing and walking around improves oxygen intake, which allows your brain to receive a healthier dose of the essential nutrients that it needs to function optimally.

Yoga to Maintain Good Mood

Yoga is a mind/body practice that teaches you controlled breathing, proper body alignment, and poses that help improve your resting position. This ancient art of exercise and meditation has been growing in popularity, and a majority of those who practice it say they are experiencing better moods, less aches and pains, more energy, and increased intimacy with their partner.

Do you have a routine that helps you maintain good posture? Please leave us a comment below.

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