Health and Wellness Blog

6 Simple and Healthy Ways to Manage Your Weight


Weight lossEveryone is always looking for the quickest and easiest ways to manage their weight. These six quick tips are a simple way to help you manage your weight and feel great.

1. Rise and Dine

Don’t skip breakfast. Not eating a morning meal can trick the body into thinking that it’s starving, which makes it hold on to fat or eat more during the day. Eat breakfast within 45 minutes of waking up and make sure it contains a balance of fat, protein and carbohydrates.

2. Combine Carbs

If a carbohydrate wasn’t grown, picked or harvested, don’t eat it. Stay away from refined breads, pastas, cakes and pastries and choose carbs delivered by foods like brown rice, sweet potatoes, or apples instead. You can also add a bit of fat, like olive oil or lean protein, to discourage your body from storing unnecessary fat.

3. Drink Up

Even if all you do is drink more water, you will likely lose weight. In order to maintain a healthy metabolism, the body needs to stay fully hydrated. Drink about ½-ounce of water per pound of body weight every day and you’ll see the difference.

4. Eat more!

Your body needs calories to burn fat, so turn your body into a fat-burning machine by eating small meals throughout the day. Each mini-meal should consist of a lean protein, good fats and complex carbohydrates.

5. Get pumped!

You’ve heard that muscle weighs more than fat but it also burns more calories. Building lean muscle through weight training causes the body to burn more calories throughout the day. When combined with aerobic exercise, weight training can help you lose more weight.

6. Cheat a little

Giving up all the foods you love can backfire and sabotage your efforts. Allow yourself one day a week to indulge in your favorite foods. Just remember that a serving should be about the size of an apple.

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